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Johns Hopkins University AMA’s 9th Annual Regional Conference

The Johns Hopkins University AMA’s 9th Annual Regional Conference, “Now Streaming: Marketing for the Media and Entertainment Industries,” will feature presentations from three keynote speakers and a case competition.


Our three keynote speakers will speak about their diverse marketing experiences within the media and entertainment industries at Disney, Netflix and Google. The case competition will feature a subscription entertainment service case written by Jay Gleba, Director of Growth Marketing at Ampush. Participants will compete in teams of 3-4 people. If you would like to compete, but are having trouble finding a team, please register anyways! We will try our best to match you with a team.


Participants will have the chance to watch keynote presentations, compete in the case competition (win $500!) and network with speakers, judges and other students.

Date: Saturday October 23rd, 2021, 11am - 4pm EDT 
Location: Virtual (Zoom) 
Cost: Free for non-case participants, $5 per person to participate in the case competition
Prize Money: $500
Registration Deadline: Friday October 15th midnight

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